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Bosch in the USA

BeWell #LikeABosch

At Bosch, we offer competitive compensation and benefit programs aimed at supporting the holistic wellbeing and diversity of our people with value, choice, and excellence in user experience, that allows our associates to grow, enjoy, and inspire.

Official Bosch BeWell logo

The 4 Pillars: Core Messages

Our BeWell strategy helps you feel supported in your journey to be your best — physically, financially, emotionally, and at work. To learn more about Bosch benefits, visit

Bosch blue heartrate icon for physical wellbeing

Physical wellbeing

is your ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows you to get the most out of your daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. It includes eating and hydrating well, regular exercise and physical activity, and sufficient rest, relaxation, and sleep.

Bosch green piggybank icon for financial wellbeing

Financial wellbeing

refers to the ability to fully meet your current and ongoing financial obligations, feeling secure in your financial future, and being in a position to make choices that allow you to enjoy life. The three levels of Financial Wellbeing are (1) Survival, (2) Comfort, and (3) Security.

Bosch purple brain icon for emotional wellbeing

Emotional wellbeing

encompasses attitudes and reactions to daily living that contribute to your overall quality of life. It means you feel positive, resilient, and equipped to deal with adversity and stressful situations. Emotional wellbeing includes self-awareness, emotional agility, coping skills, and feeling a sense of belonging and purpose.

Bosch turquoise handshake icon for work wellbeing

Work wellbeing

means you feel equipped and empowered to develop your potential, be productive and creative, build positive relationships with others, and make meaningful contributions in your job. Bosch supports your Work Wellbeing by installing programs like the Bosch Resource Groups (BRG), Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DE&I), Associate Development, and more.

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